Our Curriculum and the End of Year Expectations for Year One
In this page you'll find information on the curriculum and end of year expectations for children in Year One of our school.
The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress. All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching.
Any extra support you can provide in helping your children with maths, reading and writing will be greatly beneficial and valued. If you would like to discuss how best to support your child in maths, reading and writing, please talk to their teacher or get in touch via email.
- Identify which words appear again and again.
- Recognise and join in with predictable phrases.
- Relate reading to own experiences.
- Re-read if reading does not make sense.
- Re-tell with considerable accuracy.
- Discuss significance of title and events.
- Make predictions on basis of what has been read.
- Make inferences on basis of what is being said and done.
- Read aloud with pace and expression, i.e. pause at full stop; raise voice for question.
- Recognise:
o capital letters
o full stops
o question marks
o exclamation marks
o ellipsis
- Know why the writer has used the above punctuation in a text.
- Know difference between fiction and non- fiction texts.
- Count to and across 100, forwards & backwards from any number.
- Read and write numbers to 20 in numerals & words.
- Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals.
- Say 1 more/1 less to 100.
- Count in multiples of 2, 5 & 10.
- Use bonds and subtraction facts to 20.
- Add & subtract 1 digit & 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero.
- Solve one-step multiplication and division using objects, pictorial representation and arrays.
- Recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity.
- Sequence events in chronological order.
- Use language of day, week, month and year.
- Tell time to hour & half past.
- Write clearly demarcated sentences.
- Use ‘and’ to join ideas.
- Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but).
- Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went.
- Introduce use of:
o capital letters
o full stops
o question marks
o exclamation marks
- Use capital letters for names and personal pronoun ‘I’.
- Write a sequence of sentences to form a short narrative [as introduction to paragraphs].
- Use correct formation of lower case – finishing in right place.
- Use correct formation of capital letters.
- Use correct formation of digits.