
Digital Leaders

We currently have 22 Digital Leaders ranging from Year 3 - Year 6. All Digital Leaders had to apply for the post and attend a weekly Digital Leaders’ Club in school each week.
Digital Leaders support both the other children and staff in school and also have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of exciting visits and activities.
Our Digital Leaders help to ensure that our equipment is looked after in school and report any issues to staff. They play a vital role in choosing and implementing new resources in school. 
Four of our Digital Leaders has the opportunity to visit the BETT Show at Excel (London). Whilst they were there they had the opportunity to present on a number of different stands, be interviewed on the radio and make decisions about what products that they would like to see in school. They also got to take in a West End Show, see the sights of London and ride upon the London Eye.
Four of our female Digital Leaders celebrated ‘Ada Lovelace Day’ and the role of women in tech by visiting Campus North in Newcastle and working with ‘Tech for Life’.
now>press>play is one of the products that our Digital Leaders loved and has now been successfully implemented in school.