
Our 'Treasured Knowledge'

At Lanchester EP we have decided on the ‘invaluable knowledge’ that we want our pupils to know as the content of our curriculum. We call this our 'Treasured Knowledge'. We want our children to make excellent progress across all areas of the curriculum; this means knowing more and remembering more.

Learning happens when pupils make sense of ideas in relation to what they already know and therefore, we carefully structure our curriculum to ensure that links to prior learning can be made.

As a school, we consider the science behind how we learn and implement various strategies in order for children to transfer knowledge from their working memory to their long-term memory. Teachers will plan for children to recap prior learning through quizzes, summarising and memory mapping. We know that everybody forgets things unless they revisit that information.  This supports children in ensuring that 'Treasured Knowledge' can stay with them forever. 

Vocabulary breadth is related to academic success and we place a high emphasis on expanding pupil vocabulary through all curriculum areas. We explicitly teach cross-curricular and subject specific vocabulary in all subjects and support children to understand and use ambitious vocabulary. 

Our Treasured Knowledge documents and class displays outline what we want the children to know by the end of a unit of work. These will be sent home at the beginning of each unit of work to allow parents to support their children in continuing learning at home. Children will be assessed at the end of the unit of work and throughout the year to check whether their 'Treasured Knowledge' has been retained.